
Friday, April 26, 2013

What future?

I know that, there are many many chemicals out there. I know they are harmful. I know we are hurting the planet that we are leaving to our children. We are hurting the food we are leaving to them. What we are eating now (if not organic) is hurting us.
But the government doesn't care. In america alone the FDA has approved over 1000 chemicals for food and products that most countries around the world do not. We are killing ourselves. And for what? Money. Because the big pharms have bought out the government and the big money companies that run this country.
I have been, and I know I shouldn't, but I have been. Trying to figure out why I have low progesterone. Why me? What causes that? Why am I not able to carry a child on my own? I am a female and can't do what I was made to do on my own. There is no history of this in my family anywhere. Yes miscarriages happen. Four is a lot, and all by 24. That is something that tears me to pieces. Rips me down. Destroys my self worth.
Thankfully God has been so helpful and loving to me. Giving me and Tim James, and giving us this baby we are 10 wks pregnant with.
But anyways, I am not going to get into the bc thing because that could be a whole dif blog. But I am worried about the food. I have been researching. I have been trying to figure out why and what they feed us and how they can do it. What I have come to realize is, that it is not just the money, but that we let them. WE LET THEM. and that really needs to change.
They do these tests on animals, (which is awful) and they found that using roundup as a pesticide on our food causes cancer, causes diseases and illnesses (that feed us right to the pharm.) and it causes infertility. IT CAUSES INFERTILITY AND CANCER and the FDA says it is ok for us to eat. It is on our food, and in our water. But hey, it puts money in their pockets. And we are sitting by and letting them do it.
I know not everyone will care. Some people will be fine with don't ask don't tell. Some people will still continue to eat bad things and just be like well I am gonna die one day anyways. Some people, like most, can't afford to buy all organic. It is expensive. They don't make it affordable for us, because they don't want us to be healthy.
Is this their form of population control?
I know we need to be worried about more than just the roundup, but it would be better to attack one thing after the other than to try to go after Monsanto and the FDA all together. Divide and conquer. Because truth is Monsanto and the pharms run the banks and everything else. They run America. Which is sad. At what point did Americans hand over our health for sickness? Why is it that we are serving our government, instead of them serving us?

Anyways you get the idea. I started a petition. It's the only thing I could think that I can personally do. Hopefully it will get somewhere. But I'll need help. Please sign and pass it on. Thank yoU!

Monday, April 1, 2013


So I got ahold of the dr today. I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks, and an ultrasound at 6 weeks. I has each ultrasound done on a different machine. The one at 5 weeks was older ( which i didnt think it was that old because that is the one we used every time for James) but they did get a dif one, which is the one we used at 6 weeks. Anyways, because we used the older one and not the newer both times, the first ultrasound it was not totally clear the size of the hemorrhage. The dr looked at the two dif ultrasound and can't actually give us numbers, but the dr did say it shrunk a lot. Enough that she feels that I don't need to come back in until my 12 week ultrasound on may 13th.
So! this is good and still I am anxious. I am on pelvic rest until then. Frustrating but the babies health is the most important thing! I am excited for my next ultrasound but wish it wasn't so far away. But I know once it is here, I'll be like no go back because James will almost be 2!!!
We will find out end of June or beg of July the baby's gender.

Please keep praying for us!! :) I have been gagging like crazy and been making friends with the toilet, but that is good. I am lil nervous because I don't have much of an appetite and have pretty much been living on popcorn prenatals and fruits and veggies when I can. Trying to drink a lot of water, but even that makes me sick sometimes. I remeber this part with James, and I don't rember being as nervous about not wanting to eat, but given all we have been through I figured that I would be more nervous about stuff. Anyways for those of you that are praying for us and this baby thank you! We love the prayers and know they are helping!!! I am praying that I won't have much to say other than waiting on an ultrasound until may :) at least about being pregnant. I am sure I will have lots to say about James, because he is holding his blatter during naps and night time so we are about to get real wiht the big boy undies around here lol

Hope everyone has a good day!!!