
About Me

My name is Rachel LeeAnn Lawhon (Rachel Gregory). I am a wife, and a mother. I love love love! gardening, surfing, and art. I have a gorgeous baby boy named James and a wonderful husband named Tim.  I serve a loving God, and am excited to see where He takes me!!

I started this blog to at first help myself deal with reacurring miscarriages. I found that blogging about it really helped me. Not that I was blogging only about the miscarriages, but things I want to remember, things I want James to have access to later in life, and in general just things. But as I kept blogging, I have noticed it has helped me get out feeling so of what I want. Change. and how Blessed I really am. Also, reading other ladies blogs helped me, so hopefully mine can also help someone!!

I love to garden, so there is some of that in here, some poems in here, and a whole lot about love! Loving James, loving my husband, loving myself and loving my God. I hope you enjoy this cup of tea from my point of view :)

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