
Saturday, July 13, 2013

What Faith Means

(On my phone sorry in advance for typos more than usual lol our computer has been down just got it back from an awesome friend who was able to get the virus off ab save all of our pictures. I have to get some usb to transfer them all which is a lot but just thanking God we didn't lose them) 

Anyways it has been a while! And it has been busy and crazy. I finally stopped getting morning noon and night sickness around like 18 weeks. We had a wonderful birthday for james went to the zoo had so much fun just me tim and my mom. Had some friends and famiky who could make it over for cupcakes and presents. We so far had a lovely summer. Trips to the zoo and swimming.  Been going to raging rivers when we can and james adores swimming he's good at it.

We had an ultrasound at almost 20 weeks. They informed me of a few things.
First that Titus is large like James big boned big head :) this we expected
They confirmed he is all boy
They told me I will need to be induced (I am not ok with this it made me upset size is not a medical reason for induction God trusts my body his creation and so should we)
They found a soft marker.  They found two (bilateral) chorioid plexus cysts sp? They were in his brain by the chorioid plexus.  They said this is nornal but can be a sign of downs. They gave me some options for blood work and said I had to get an ultrasound with a specialist.   I cried. After taking progesterone just to stay pregnant after a subchorionic hemorrhage.  After enough anxiety to kill an elephant,  now this. Satans a fucking asshole. I loathe him.

I told everyone what they said that thwy told me not to worry (ha) and asked dor prayers. It took me about two days to really calm down as much as I was going to be able to. Again we were floored. But after going through as much as we have already been through it really was easier to trust God. We were at His mercy, and that is not really a bad place to be.
I started reading my bible more.  Praying more. Singing more. Accepting that I literally could do nothing but trust God and know He loves Titus more than us. I came to realize that so many more worse things could be happening. We coukd have found a lot of markers. We could have lost Titus before this point. We could have but we didn't all to Gods glory.  glory. It is lime God let some of what satan was throwing at us make it through the barrier just small stuff but scary stuff. It was like I want everyone to know how much of a miracle james is and look at the miracles I am doing in you for Titus. Our faith was unshakable this time. I had lapses here and there mostly hormones I think though. Praying and singing through it we made it to 21 weeks and the ultrasound.
They found nothong but a big beautiful HEALTHY boy. No cysts nothing more than a moving happy baking baby. All to Gods glory. All thanks to Jesus. All so God could one day say to Titus look how much I love you.  So God could show others through us his mercy his love his power. Life can be hard it can feel horrible sometimes we feel defeated. But God is never defeated. His plans always happen. His will is always done. And I am thankful my children and their health is in his will :)
So thankful.  Thank you Jesus. Thank you.