
Monday, August 5, 2013


(On my phone sorry for typos)
So I am in the process of getting a woven wrap! :) to baby and toddler wear. It is a size 7 wrap woven and green :D
I am so excited.  I am also going to make wool dryer balls instead of using dryer sheets to cut back on energy and money. And I am thinming at 3-4 months I will start Titus in oth diapers ro save on money (and it is also good for the environment) we are going to plant a big garden next year too! And I am not cuttong may hair for two years :)
Having Titus natural at a birth center and gonna bf.
I am excited and thankful that I can be a stay at home mom and I am praying these small adjustments help us save money and live a healthier life. Greener life. I mean we might as well since I am home and we need to cut back and save ya know :)  I have the time and can put in the effort :)
Also james had his first appointment with early intervention.  He did really well. :) she told that next year in our district James can go to preschool (for free) and I don't see why we wouldn't it is half days through the week.
It absolutely makes me want to cry though to think in a year he can start preschool.  My baby. Preschool in a year. How fast this coming year will go with Titus here in three months and some change. Wow. :( so fast. But it is a blessing and God is so good. He really has been providing for and taking care of us.