
Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Sorry I have not wrote in forever. Aside from comp problems, well I've been pretty busy!
Of course James keeps me on my toes, and to be honest it is really uncomfortable  sitting and typing lol.
Anyways Today I am 36 weeks pregnant with Titus. Thank Jesus! Everything is going well. He dropped on sunday, and we are praying to just make it to next wednesday or later.
We have to be full term \37wks to be able to have him in the birth center. WE are doing it all natural this time, water birth and everything. No hospitals. No trauma. My body is not unable to birth a child I don't give a crap about a dr schedule of 8 hours then pitocin ect. screw all that hellishness. Never again.
Thankfully all of our praying and asking God for help turned into us finding the birth center. We are really excited about it. I cant wait to post pictures and write about the experience :)
Oh and for those wondering about progesterone. Had it tested again in my third tri to see how it was doing, apparently it dips again in the third tri and causes tjhe water to break early. So far so good, it tested well :) just need it to stay healthy in the first to carry the baby. :) I'll try to write more later. My back hurts from sitting with the comp lol.