
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Layers and Layer

I think I am ready to start talking about Titus birth. It was traumatic, but I want to.
my flippin laptop is not working well with me when I type. So I probably wont start on it until this weekend when i can find the mouse. But I am going to do it :)
also we started cloth diapering and i would like to write that soon as well as amber teething necklaces. oh and baby wearing! not like you all did not know about this about me before but I am a tree huggin hippy. lol. or at least as much as we can afford. ill be getting into that too. FOOD.
so i guess my goal is to start blogging once a week. and to really get into some topics. some personal like our birth and breastfeeding, and some spiffy stuff like babywearing and cloth diapers. I really want to get my blog organized this year.
I definitely need to figure out to fix this stupid keyboard issues. i have to fix like every sentence because it jumps me around. it is so annoying and honestly the mail reason i have not blogged in a while. i am running low on marbles as it is lol.