
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

azure dreams come true

As I gave into those beautiful dreams
My hope
My life

If only i could swim in their innocence
Be covered in the sweetness
That flows out of them

How we longed
And prayed
For these
Beautiful azure pools
The wonderful
Hues of blue

That are your eyes
Our boys
My sons

Full of life and love
Hopes and dreams
A future
Held in the palm of our creator

How amazing and in awe
Am I
That He trusted me with
Such beautiful eyes

You will both grow up
And be men

It is happening before my eyes

How quickly
A baby fades
To a toddler
To a boy

One day a man
 My sons

With thick flowing hair
Strong hands

That boyish facade
Will whisper away
Like the baby
Who disappears
In broad daylight

Those tiny noses
The gentle coos
The soft i love you

My boys

The sweet moments
Of hearing you sleep
The angelic face as you dream

And then you open those eyes
Those big beautiful
Crystal clear
Blue fountains of life

Oh how i love you
How much hope and joy
Peace and meaning
Answered prayers

You and you
My boys

Mommy loves you