
Monday, February 16, 2015

We decided.

Before there was ever a bun in the oven. Before there was ever a life lost. Before the hardships of adulthood sunk their life sucking teeth in. Before reality crashed over our heads. Before we really understood the pressure. Before we realized that society is not set up to help a family unit.
We decided.
Us. My husband and I. My bestfriend and I. My partner and I. The man God made and set apart for me. The man I wanted to be my children's father. The man I prayed for since 4th grade.
We decided we wanted to be a family. Family. A real one. A functional one.
A functional family.
A real family.
What is a family? When you turn on the tv, or read an article. Watch a vine. Youtube. See a picture.
What do you expect to see?
What has family become.

My husband and I. We decided.
And we are.
We are striving to be a functional family. A family full of love. A family that values each other. We are a core. Our core consists of all of us , Jesus dad mom children pets. This is our family.

Love. Comfort. Confidence. Compassion. Worth. Hope. Dreams. Talents.
We will build these up.
Weakness. Doubt. Pain. Worthlessness. Rejection. Failure.
We will work through them. Together.

We decided. A long time ago. Through trial and fire. We are who we are. We are who we want to be. We are striving to be better. We will work together. Love together. Grow together. Stick together.

I will be the mother I always wanted. I will be the mother I know I can be. I will beg God every day to give me the strength to be who He called me to be. Every step of the way. I'll try. For them. Through valleys and up mountains. I'll be who they need me to be.
Present. Protection. Fierce. Gentle. Compassion. Guidance.

We decided


Because a broken home, leaves a broken heart. Unhealthy relationships leave holes. Rejection leaves doubt and bitterness.

We decided. What family is. So we will build it. With our bodies and souls. Our hearts.

And while I cant give them everything. We can be their everything. Everyday. Never turning our backs to them. But always with open arms and open hearts. Holding them. Lifting them up.
Building a foundation. For a healthy stable human. Who can later go out into the world, and build on that foundation. Another healthy family.

The heart wants, what the heart wants. We decided. A loong time ago. We want a family.