
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Percy the dinosaur slayer

We had to send pepper to heaven in july. She was sick. She was 14. I miss her still very deeply.  She was my best friend my baby i love her. And i miss her every day.
I thought we'd wait a while to get a new dog. How could i possibly love some other dog while hurting so badly.
But i do and we did. He needed a home. East st louis is not a safe place for anyone,  particularly animals.
We have a pup.  He is a mutt. Pitt and lab we think. He is hyper and hilarious.  Loves thw boys very much. Love us. I dont love him the same. Because he isn't the same. I still love pep and misa her.
It is so nice having a dog though and he really needed a home.
And i needed a dog. Sleeping at night without one bothered me beyond words. Id literally walk to the door to let a dog out even when pepper was gone. There was food everywhere.  Apparently james is notorious for taking a bite and putting it down.  Who knew? Pepper lol
Percy is a great dog. He was very calm as a baby pup. Lol and that passed quickly.  Once he started to feel safe. Got regular food and water. He really started to perk up lol.
He loves to play with the boys and they love him ♡ he also loves dinosaurs.  James will be getting new dinosaurs Christmas as we have lost a great many of them to Percy thw dinosaur slayer.
(Yes we named him after percy Jackson as we already have a sirius and no other hp name fit lol)

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