
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Life is too precious

Life is so beautiful. It is so fragile. We take it for granted. That hurts me. Deeply.
    You can turn on the news any time of day and see murder left and right. No respect for life. Something so fragile  lost. At the drop of a hat. For what? Religion? Peace? Silence?A statement? Peace? None but love is a worthy cause. None but love. Love to save a life. Love to preserve a life. No one life is more significat than another, but I can see love as a just cause to lay down a life.
It is not a secret, but I have not talked a lot about it. I almost died. It is something I have to live with every day. It affects my every day. My husband has to dealwith ptsd.He almost lost me, and it damn near killed him. It very much hurt him, and now we have to over come anxiety every day. (Please pray or him)
I get extra emotional about stuff now. James started preschool. That is hard enough. Throw  in apanic attack , because I almost wasnt here to see it. Seriously. Titus birthdayis coming up, mine is comingup, christmas, anniversary. These things I almost did not see. Every day I have here is a gift.
Everyday is not easy. Sometimes with my husbands anxiety I feel like my life is a burden not a gift. Sometimes it hurts. You get your feelings hurt, and it hurts worse. It hurts worse, because that gift seems to wear off for others quickly.They forget the realness of it quickly. They forget what it was like. I dont.I cant. Every day i wake up I am like I a still here. I am so thankful. So thankful. I am learning that a lot of people dont know what itmeans to truly be thankful. They dont know what it means to really value life.
Ive lost family and friendsto suicide. It breaks my heart anyways. After quickly fading to hardly alive and bleeding nearly to death after having Titus, it now hurts more. Worse. Harder. All the time.  I wantso badly to just hand life back. We only get one.
I also have a hard time with it. My mother has attempted suicide more times than i can recall. She tried yeserday. I almost lost her. It is a slap in the face and no matter how many times she tries, always just as scary. Our  system for mental health in this country is a joke. I ave seen and experienced so much.It is a facct. Mental health in this country is not taken seriously.
I have friends and family trying and winning the battle of mental health. I have friends and family that lost it.
I am still here (my near death experience had nothing to do with mental health my body failed me during delivery of titus) bui am still here.  I am going to start a campaign. A charity. For mental health. Bipolar. Depression.anxiety.suicide. Our health is important. Your life is important. Dont let anyone make you feel like it isnt. Even on your darkest day, you are alive, and that is beautiful


  1. I am glad you and your mom are still here.

  2. Thank you emily ♡♡♡♡ I am too. I am hoping from all of this that I can do better with the time I have been given! Life is so precious because it is so frail and we don't know how long it will last. Every day really is a gift.
