
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Part 1 of 3 : my hubby

I am so sick with a tummy virus today that my husband stayed home. He was up all night wjth me helping with the kids and with me. He himself is not feeling great, but he is ok.
I am so thankful.  He let me take a nap and watched the kids. He went and got me soup and Gatorade.  It doesn't seem like a lot but I can't even get to the door.  It is days like today that I remember how blessed I am. I know every day I am blessed.  I need to convey that more to him. We have been through so much. I don't even know where to start. I'm not even sure I can finish our srory in 3 parts lol. I honestly could write a book about our story.

So I guess I will start in 4th grade.

In fourth grade I had a teacher going through an almost divorce,  is the way I understood it. I went to a private school.  She told the whole class one day, to pray.  She said to pray that when we did marry, that we married the right person the first time. That we would marry the person God made for us. So I did. I prayed. Every day. I did because, I was raised in an unstable home. I at a very young age understood how important a stable loving family was. I wanted one. The only way I'd ever get one was going to have me as the the wife, the mother, not the daughter. So I prayed.

I qent through life. Boyfriends here and there. Some serious some not.  Some where fun , other's were learning experiences.  None were real love. You don't know real love until it happens.  And when it happens.  Wow. It hits you like a hurricane. But it starts out of the blue. Like a freak storm you were not prepared for.

We had a mutual friend. I worked with said friend and McDonald's.  Friend brought guy through drive thru.  He thought I was cute. I don't remember him. Friend helped him get a job there. I called him todd for two weeks. I ignored his name tag. I couldn't stand him. He was an annoying and over confident.  I had no ideathat hewljld be my best friend,  my husband,  my lover, my companion,  the father of my children.  They guy God made for me. The guy God made me for.  No idea. Not a clue.

We closed together one night. I was ignoring him as usual.  Being a total b word to him. On purpose.  He was using said friends mp3 player.  He was listening to AC/DC. I love them. For the record,  our song is "You Shook Me All Night Long" that is my ringtone for him today.  I can't change it. Ever.
So we talked about music. We about video games. We talked abouts sports. Hook line and sinker. I was head over heels and I had no idea.

We went on double datws with friend. We went to kovies with friend and just us. We hung out at friends house. I was terrified to bring him home. My family for sure would scare him away.

I called said friend one night. I had no idea future husband was there.  Not a clue. I asked so many questions! Favorite movies color car food drink song game everything I didn't find out husband was there and heard that phone call until after we were married.  Husband said that phone call made him interested for a date. A real one. And so we both fell. Fast. Hard. I mean so fast that 3 months in we knew we where getting married. We were picking oit names for our kids. Hurricane.  It was just starting.  We had no idea the up hill battle we were about to embark on.

It was worth it.  I'd do it all over again. 

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