
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

And dont give up hope.

Life can be pretty down at times. It is overwhelming.  It is hard. It is repetitive.  Many people work to provide for a life , and in return dont get to experience life.
I have a really full plate right now. Life is hectic.  But hope. Always hope.
I really am trying to figure out how and where to start something for mental health in the area I live. My husband suffers anxiety and depression (and ptsd after my hospital experience).  It can be debilitating.  He is amazing and strong. He has no idea. I hope one day he sees himself like I do. I hope one day I can see him like He does.
Hope there is that word again.
We are having issues with James school, so we want to move. Which means selling this house buying a new one. It means a job transfer.  Something we have been praying for for years. But I always trust that God is listening.  His timing is perfect.  My hope is placed in the right one.
Hope. Trust. You cant trust God too much. You cant have too much faith, and you can't tell God there is never hope. There is always hope. Not how we want. Maybe not how we like. But He is always there right? He said He is. So He is. So there is always hope.
I'm embarking on a big journey.  Finishing and publishing my books. That itself is overwhelming.  I have tims support though. Hope. That puffs me up full of hope and drive.
I know that if I strive to do these things, I can. If I don't there will be some good outcome learning experiences something.
Life is not what we make it, but life is full of hope and beauty.  Keep God in the center lf it and watch what He does. Some days I dont get to read my bible. Because I didnt make enough effort.  How amazing is it that I have hope for a better tomorrow than today. I can always hope for myself to do better.  I can try and keep trying.
Hope really is pretty neat.
Please dont stop hoping for your better tomorrow or today. Jesus is hope and with Him all things are possible ♡

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