
Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Ok. So mental health is a serious condition.  It should be taken seriously.  It is sad that in our society it is more of a joke and a made up weakness.

Fake. Doing it for attention.  They should just get over it. You can stop whenever you want. You need to grow up. Immature. Selfish.

Post partume. Bipolar.  Depression.  Post traumatic stress disorder.  Anxiety.  Suicide.  Not fake.

Hurtful things that people who dont suffer mental illness say. I've been guilty too.

I have had panic attacks.  I struggle with anorexia.  It is a struggle Ill have for the reat of my life. Sometimes I can forg it and other times it is a daily fight to eat. It's all in my head.

It is easy to forget how complicated the mind is, and how powerful it is. While it is super easy for me to recover from a panic attack and not have anxiety and depression daily, I do struggle with my self esteem.  I cant just tell myself Im pretry and not fat and accept that. Much like my husband can't just tell his anxiety that there is no reason to worry so stop.

Of course we have faith in God and Jesus and know that He can and will help us through this. We also know that God gave us resources like councelors ect.

As Ive been on the hunt seeing what our insurance covers and finding drs for us, I'm finding soo many places. Places like blah blah wellspring of blah for mental health. There are so many mental health resources and centers near us. And I am angry. I have many dear friends and family members that struggle with bipolar depression and anxiety.  Why are these places not being used more? Im really upset at how not well known the resources are known. How can they be utilized beforehand, before crisis, if no one knows about them.

I want to help in our area, and I think awareness is where it needs to start.

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