
Friday, May 10, 2013

It's Almost Monday

So, I am we are anxiously waiting on monday! Ultrasound!!! I'll be 13 weeks next wednesday.  We are excited to see a healthy moving baby! with a big head, which is to be expected lol. James was huge at this point at his ultrasound. I expect this baby to be also, which we are pretty sure is a boy. Of course we don't care and just want a healthy baby.
So I called the dr office yesterday, totally thought theyd have me wait till monday but called anyways. I have a uti.They got me in within an hour. I wasn't sure if it was pregnant having to pee and pressure, or kidney stones, but it started hurting so I wasn't so sure. I hit 12 weeks on wednesay and since it was starting to hurt like hell, thought I had better get it checked out. I am on antibiotics, and excited to start feeling better soon!
James and I got to listen to the baby's heartbeat. It was strong! not as fast as last time not 162. but 159. Still good, and was so so strong. IT made me feel so so so so SO much better. I am anxious for monday but not worried anymore. Jesus is def taking care of this lil one, or large lil one :D Well I hope everyone has a good weekend! I know I have a long day ahead of me and am already excited for bedtime lol. James is staying with his mama and papa tonight, and tim works so I get the house to myself tonight and I know I'll be lonely but it will also be nice and qiuet! I have a lot of running around to do today, but a nice warm shower and some laying in bed are in my near future :D

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