
Sunday, May 12, 2013

What mother's day means.

Today is mothers day. That one day a year where we thank our mommas for all hey do. That day we remember all the crap they put up with. The day we think about all our fun and loving memories with them. A day we spend time with them. With our moms aunts sisters cousins grandmas and important ladies in our lives. It's a day we say thanks because they deserve it and we don't say it nearly enogh.
This is my I guess third mothers day if yiu count the may when james was almost about to come out :) now he is 2 and I have a 12 wk 4 day baby in my tummy :) I am so excited and thankful.  There isn't anything I love more than being a mom (and a wife). It makes my life. It is love ♥
I have to say I cried though. I cry a lot. I'm aure my hormknes are helping me with this lol. This times at year my mama Gregory went to heaven. I miss her every day, we all do. And while I am sad and miss her and cruahed that its been a whole year wiht out her already I have peace. And I am happy. I am happy because I know I will see her again. I am happy because today she is in heaven and can hug our children who are there waiting on us. All four of them. So I know she is busy. She likes to be busy. I am also happy because this is the first full mothers day she has got to spend with her mother in a very long time and her grandma. I am sad that she is not here, but I am so happy for her to be there. I also knk w she woild not want me to be sad. She would not want me to be upset on a day when I should be enjoying the lil ones that make me a mom enjoying my husband who made me a mom and enjoying the wonderful ladies in my life.
Mothers day is about being happy because you are a mom and for all the love still have to give.
I got to spend time with my mom I law yesterday and Ill go see my mom later this week. I still have so much love to give them and others and of course my babies.and I am thanful for that. I know it is ok tk be sad today too, but I won't wallow and I wont linger because I want a hug when I get to heaven not a smack witb a wooden spoon lol. :) I hope you all have a wonderful mothers day. Hug your babies and tell them thank you for making yoh a mlm and a better person and for showing you what love really is.

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