
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Update and LOTS

We had our ultrasound on monday. The sch was gone!! (subchorionic hemorrhage) Thank YOU Jesus! The cysts on my ovarie that wasnt told about because it can be normal and they didnt wanna stress me out about, was also gone! Placenta is attached nicely and secured at a good spot nice and high. PELVIC REST IS OVER. Thank God!
The baby was 12w5d at the ultrasound but was measuring larger than 13 weeks. Has a big head and nice strong bone structure like James, and Tim. SO BIG, cus he is a BOY!!! We were able to tell! I did not know we could tell this early. But I thought back and remembered with James we never did an ultrasound at 12 weeks. The dr used her handheld ultrasound thing she uses to check the heartbeat and you can see a small ultrasound so that is what we did to look at James at 12 weeks. It was such a surprise to me to find out so early but there was no mistaking that stuff between his legs!! I wish we would have known we would be finding that out, because Tim would have come to the ultrasound. But PRAISE Jesus we are so thankful and so excited! We are having another boy!!! We are pretty sure this is going to be our last child, and we are beyond excited that we will be welcoming James as a big brother and Titus to the family this november. We have agreed on the name Titus Isaiah Lawhon. I love love love it! Gonna have me a James and a Titus (and of course our babies in heaven).
Dr said he is big, and once he hits 10 lbs (scary I know but James would have been a 12 lb baby had the twins water not been taking up so much space) anyways once he gets that big then we start talking induction or c section. I really want to have him naturally and since my epi wore off with James, I wont even get one this time. For real, wasn't worth the money at all.
We are so so excited. James is such a wonderful person and I can't wait to have two children in myarms. Two people to watch grow. Two people to love and to watch tim love :D
We have James in a twin bed in his room, and the entertainment center with the tv and books is in there too as well as the crib. So all the toys and clothes (except for what is in the closet) is in the middle bedroom. Which is awesome! They can share a room and have a play room and I am so happyl We wont have to buy that much, I am getting a basinnet this weekend that I found on fb for 15 dollars, they are only used for like 2 months so we don't need a new one then I can donate it. Then I will buy some more bottles, and some clothes, I want to get a blooming bath, the blue one. Those things look awesome. I also want to get a pump. Of course Ill get him a build a bear and a couple books and thing just for him. But we are not starting from scratch. And my grandma linda is giving me a sewing machine so i will buy a fitted sheet to match what ever fabric i decide to use to make the comforter for him. Also I will get a blanket crochet for him like James has, and a security blanket like james bear bear. It sounds like a lot, but seriously isnt! The most expensive thing I need to get is the medula electric pump, ill have to start looking at those I know they arent cheap but worth it. I am very determined that this baby will not be a nicu baby praise Jesus and I will be able to breast feed.
So much to be thakful for! and so excited! Thank you for letting me share our excitement. This is such a blessing and means so much to us. Such a miracle and we thank God all the time for this child and our Jamesy.
For those of you wondering about the progesterone. The dr is weaning me off of it. She said it is safe to stop cold turkey but sometimes ppl bleed when that happens and of course that causes quite a scare and stress. She has me on it every other day, then ever three days then done. I am also on an antibiotic for a uti right now, and i am still on baby apsirin. I think I get to stop the aspirin soon, and they took blood monday to check my vitamins. I should be able to get out in the sun a bit this summer since James is older so I am hoping I wont have to take vitamin d, i probably will have to take iron, and vitamin c to help absorb it.
Also I got my hair done yesterday. I don't think I got my hair done since last september right before hillarys wedding. Wow! It felt so awesome to get it done :)
Anyways, that was a lot and I am gonna go lay down and get my booger butt to sleep :D
Have a wonderful day!!

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