
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Growing Old

We had a touch of the stomach flu over the weekend. James started it off on friday morning, followed by a normal saturday and sunday. Sunday night I hugged the toilet,monday morning Tim followed. It was very frustrating so see my son sick and my husband. It was very very frustrating to not be at 100% to clean and cook and care for my family. I really really was angry and hurt. I mean dont get me wrong being sick sucked , especially since I pumpmyself with ridiculous amounts of vitamins, but it broke my heart the most to not be able to be 100% for my boys.
Thankfully we had help. Tim's mom helped me on friday with James, and James spent the night and aunt hillary and uncle zach's on womday night. It helped so so much.
Anyways, not that it was important but it kinda brought me to this. One, I'd much rather be home sick than out of town sick, I would have hated to not go out of town. I would have hated to catch it from being on the plane. I would have hated to not have a couple days of feeling 100% before heading out. And, I am thankful. I am thankful that God's timing is perfect. He for whatever reason knew we needed to be sick. Maybe if even just to build up our immune system before heading out of town and sitting on that plane. And it is nice to know I can have complete confidence in my maker. Mike and Mary are feeling fine, Hillary and Zach we prayed over and will be fine :) It is nice to know we can pray and ask God to keep those around us healthy. :)
Also, even though he wasn't feeling good and was upset about having to take sick days, Tim was able to take sick days. And it was really nice to hear him pray last and to thank God that he had them to take. In the middle of the stomach flu, we were thankful. I am not all trying to brag, I am just really excited. I am excited that we are maturing. I am excited that we really are growing into the people we pray and ask to be. I am excited that well, I guess that we are growing old lol
We watched the curious case of benjamin button last night. I had never seen it, and tim had only seen bits and pieces. What a wonderful movie. So interesting. It was nice, to watch that with Tim. It was nice to talk about it with Tim. In the middle of it, Tim looked at me and said, "Babe you are the only person I want to grow old with" Yes it brought tears to my eyes. Then I proceeded to talk about how he is the only person I want to share a hospital room with when we are old. We talked about how we'd probably only watch cartoons and football. And how Tim knows that I need face to face time because I am a female, but when we are that old I am just going to have to be content with him listening because he probably wont be able to turn his head much lol. It was nice to talk about this. It sounds stupid probably, but it just was refreshing. I love my husband so much, and am so thankful for every day I have with him. I am excited for the many years we have to go on earth and in heaven.
Also, I am excited about gardening. I really need to get ahold of these wooden pallets that I am going to use. I am really glad I am going out to see my papa this weekend. I am definitely going to take notes. I need to know when to start planting things, what and when I start growing things in the house ect. Papa is an expert. I am thankful for my papa. I really miss my mama. It might be really weird and hard going out there and not seeing mama. It is certainly going to be weird talking to papa about gardening and not hearing mama go oo and you should plant these i like those. Weird. But I am so thanful for the time i will be able to spend with my family. I am thankful for a wonderful husband that is so understanding and happy for me to be able to go out and see my family. I am thankful for Shawna!!! helping me get out to see my family. I am so thankful for feeling better today :) And I am excited I have a whole year ahead of me to keep working on being thankful, to keep getting closer to God and to keep working on being a better mommy and a better wife and a better me.
Speaking of, I am really enjoying the Love and Respect DVDs we are doing at church by emerson eggreich. they are awesome.

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