
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I love you too.

I feel like I have a lot of info to put in here so! Here goes!
I have been reading other ladies blogs online about progesterone miscarriages ect, so I know I want to continue to put that stuff in my blog. While it may be annoying to some and too much info for others, it may help one. I know that reading what these other ladies have to say has personally helped me. And to me it is worth just to help one other if going through something like this.
So I am on progesterone pills, just stopping today for my cycle. After that I start back up. I am going to ask my dr about the other forms of progesterone aside from the pill. If anyoen knows if it is better to take the other forms than the pill please comment. I am trying to gather info, and from what I am reading the pill does help but the other stuff works better because it is not being digested. Also I can't really work out on progesterone because of something to do with the hormone balance and how hormones from exercise decrease progesterone so it is frustrating and I feel like I am going nuts wanting to lose weight and not being able to and at the same time feeling bloated from it. But o well I guess will so be worth it when I am healthy and pregnant.
AND yesterday two pretty awesome things happened!!! I took James to the potty with me, we are making it a point to take him with us when we potty, and I went pee and he clapped his hands for me and said "yay momma ya momma!!" uhm adorable. And it also shows me he is starting to better understand what a potty is for. He loves to flush the toilet when you are done too to watch the paper go away. AND of course I tell him I love you alot, and usually he doesn't say anything sometimes I get a hug for it. Yesterday I got an "I love you too" and tim heard it. My heart is still super puffed up about it I am so proud of him and it just melted me :) I love my boy so much.
We have also decided on a boy and girls name. I wont post them until I am pregnant and around 4 months, but I am excited Tim and I have agreed and are pleased with the names. Some people really have a hard time agreeing on names, and I am glad Tim and I have been pretty easy on that. It makes me happy. Makes me think about when we were dating and had baby names picked out after three months of dating lol
O and Tim and I just started going to church on sunday nights to go to the Love and Respect seminar thing. We are watching dvds with our church they are by emerson eggerich sp? anyways they are awesome! Tim and I have a good relationship. I don't feel like it is something unstable or questionable, but we don't see how learning to better understand eachother and our relationship as a bad thing. We view a marriage as any other living thing it needs water sun love Jesus food. It needs to grow. I am really enjoying the classes and so is Tim. :)
O and James and I are going out of town on the 22nd. I think I mentioned that, but I am excited to see my family for a weekend and take James on the plane. I am really going to miss Tim and I hate being away from him especially James and me. that is really hard on tim. But I need to go out and I am thankful that I have a husband who is so understanding and supportive.
O and I finished reading 1 2 and 3rd John. I am going to work on Timothy now then Tidus. Yep

Have a nice day everyone :)))

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