
Saturday, February 9, 2013

tooth paste eater lol

My lil man is growing so fast! Hillary came over yesterday, and he waved to her and said Hi. It was adorable, especially since he had just been sitting on the potty and was missing his bottoms. I loved it! He also spent the night at his mama and papa lawhons thursday night, and said the word hat while he was there. I missed it, but amd so excited! He has been doing great with stairs, working on his forks and spoons, and he is really working on sounds. More than usually, I mean he jabbers, but I feel like he is on the brink of really taking off with talking. I am so excited! I also found him eating tooth paste yesterday night. It was hilarious. Awful I took it away super fast and told him no, but it was so stinking funny. He was just walking down the hallway with a tube of tooth paste squirting a lil on his finger and eating it. LOL.
I love my bubby sooo so much and he makes me so proud. :)
Also, I started taking progesterone. Still waiting on a cycle, it is a lil like a week late. But I have to wait a week from now to test and if it is neg go to the dr and see whats going on.
AND next week, James and I are going to Colorado to visit my papa and family out there. I am really excited, and can't wait to see papa and everyone. I am not excited but, am anxious? for lack of a better word, to take flowers to mama. I think it will give me some peace to be able to do it.
It will be a nice short weekend trip leave on friday come home sunday :)
And we are doing couples church stuff on sunday nights so we are going to church in the evening instead of the morning, but it should totally be awesome and worth it.
God is really helping me every day, getting me through things and helping me to put him in the middle of everything while trying to seek his face. I am trying i wont be perfect at it, but I can tell it is helping.
And i am totally not doing well losing weight. doesnt seem to matter that ive been cooking healthier and that ive been eating better and drinking more water and working out here and there. doesnt seem to matter at all. very annoying. but hoping after the next baby when that happens, on God's time, it'll just all fall off (the weight)
or at least I can work out and not freak out about it and stay on a schedule with my hormones not so up and down. heres to hoping

have a great weekend everyone~~~

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