
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Vitamins and Progesterone

This is probably going to be a short blog. Just want to put it out there for the ladies on progesterone.
I took a b complex vitamin with my progesterone before bed. Couldnt sleep all night, felt like I had the worst flu (which I honestly had the stomach flu a week before) mixed with some awful morning sickness. So so bad. I usually take my prenatal in the morning, and forgot to take my b vitamin too, so I took it with the progesterone. Again, ladies, please don't do that. You'll be hating yourself for doing it. On a normal day, taking progesterone I am a lil more tired, and a lil queezy here and there.
I am taking progesterone because my levels are low, and we kept having miscarriages because of it. In total four (my sons twin, and the three we had last year) Now that we know why I am taking the progesterone. For anyone out there that keeps having miscarraiges, I know there are so many reasons that could be why you are, checking progesterone is easy. Simple. One blood draw. You get the results the next day. Not expensive. Having had miscarriages, one after the other, after a child and not understanding why, this really explained it all. By the grace of God, it really did explain it all!
Anyways, we are now TTC and I will take a test in twoish weeks to see. I am supposed to stop for cycles and contunie progesterone on a positive ovulation after a cycle. When I get pregnant (and Lord we are praying and recieving that I am) I am to keep taking the progesterone for 12 weeks. I am sure we will take blood while pregnant to see if I need to take it longer ect.
 I have been reading other ladies blogs about progesterone. I have to say it helps, but also freaks me out. So many ladies seem to get extra sick from it. It seems to amplify morning sickness. Of course, ladies if you are reading this, most of you unfortunately know the pain of miscarriage and that being sick a couple of months or even all of them doesnt matter at all. What matters is holding that healthy baby. So I would encourage you to keep you heads up, and I am trying to keep mine up. God has been so merciful, has helped us so much. We are so thankful and so blessed, and still hoping. All to the glory of God. Serious.
And we have decided, after this next baby, James and his lil sibling will more than likely (unless God decides otherwise) be all that we have. I mean we have babies in heaven, but lets be honest, pregancy is hard on a healthy normal pregnant person, you add in the high risk and the hormone issues, it is rough rough rough. Two babies, that is what we are praying for. James and baby sister or brother.

Anyways, sorry this one was pretty much all about progesterone ect. But I know that reading about other ladies and their experiences has helped me so so so much, and I am hoping that this can at least help one other lady. I don't know you, or know what exactly you are going through ma'am how you came across my blog or how many you've read. But I love you! and Jesus loves you, and you will get through this. You will.

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