
Saturday, March 9, 2013


It has been a minute since I blogged! Sorry, I'll try to catch up as simply as I can lol.
So I got a new lotion for James. The amonium lactate works well for James, however it says to avoid sunlight. Or long periods of sunlight. With spring right around the corner, hopefully, that is not an option at all! I plan on doing a lot of gardening and hoping to start some container gardening with wooden pallets, which puts us outside a lot. So! I am trying the neopsporin lotion for eczema. So far, his skin is a lot softer, and seems to be retaining moisture better. Which if I am to understand, is what eczema is, the skins inablilty to retain a healthy amount of moisture. I am glad that so far this seems to be working for him. I am excited. I want him to feel well.
Also, I had to go get blood drawn yesterday to check my levels. I have to call in monday to see what they say, and I have a drs appointment on thursday. I'll write more about that later. I would very much appriciate any prayers :)
I got some canvas yesterday! Buy one get one pack of two at Michaels which is an amazing deal! So I am in the process of painting some pictures for my living room. Omg I love it, and James is so ingtrigued by painting.
O, and I am in the process of revamping my blog. I changed the header, and am working on the pages part of it. I also, changed the title. Love: Life Worth Living.
I wanted to do that mostly for myself. I want to have that there to remind me that every time I blog, and every day in general, I have something worth living for, and so do you! I want to start putting at the end of each blog unless is is a poem, what I am thankful for today, and something that I love, and something worth living for. I am sure it sounds kind of silly, but I want to be more thankful . I don't think that I am not a thankful person, but it reallly isn't a bad thiing to point stuff out to myself right?
Also I started watching the world of jenks today on mtv. It is really an inspiring show. I think I am going to like it alot. So much better than all the other junk on there, I stopped watching jersey shore and jwow n snooki. I stopped watching teen mom all together. I realized these shows just frustrate me. Ya they are those shows that are a train wreck and you cant turn away, but also, it is what is wrong with t his country. You have people making shows and making a lot of money to do stupid things and look like fools. Then you have people who work two jobs to feed their family, who are far more inteligent and loving than the people making oodles of money doing shots and having kids they cant provide for. Frustrating. So basically, I've cut down my tv a lot. Not a bad thing. And I really don't feel like I watched tv that much anyways.So I am pretty much down to watching Big Bang Theory, Supernatural, Football, and cartoons lol. I watch more cartoons than anything else. We watched the Bible on the history channel, I think it is only five episodes long though, and the Viking show is kinda neat, but I am not sure if I want to stick with it. Lol! anyways!
So today I am thankful for a lot, but am really thankful James let me sleep in today (Im sure tonight when he wont go to bed itll be a dif story lol) I am also thankful for our home! I don't feel like cleaning at all today. But I am so thankful for all the laundry the dishes and the home that we have.
Something that I love about saturdays, and today in particular is, I get some me time in the morning, and then I get to spend the day with tim and James :) and Something worth living for, well my son. It is amazing today I was thinking how muc hhe really depends on me, but he has no idea how much I depend on him. I love him so much. And o ya I am really thankful that I can pray as much as I want all day whenever I feel like it. That's nice. I can constantly talk to Jesus, and work on my trusting Him.
Hope everyone has a good weekend, and I hope things are going well.
And for anyone reading the blog for progesterone ect. stay tuned, I'll have a lot about that on monday and thursday. Hopefully all good.

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