
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It has arrived

So, I finally started getting some real inerrupting my day morning sickness! This of course is uncomfortable, but welcomed. It is my body telling me the baby is healthy, and I am fine with that! It totally knocked me on my butt this morning, so I'll be sleeping with a water bottle and crackers next to me to be better prepared and hopefully not as sick sick tomorrow. I had a horrible head ache light and sound were making me dizzy! and a super upset tummy left me in the restroom for a while. But again, uncomfortable, but welcomed. I am thankful. I am so thankful God is blessing us with another healthy child.

I got blood results back
last wednesday was 4246 hcg and friday was 5964. Not doubling, but high and going up. At a point in the pregnancy usually around when you can see a heartbeat, your hcg doesnt double anymore and blood draws for hcg don't really go as far as an ultrasound. So I was really happy with these numbers! And I really felt like Jesus was winking at me. I know it is silly, but 46 and 64 are my favorite numbers aside from 4. So the fact that and serisouly the odds are nuts, that I got both of those numbers in my blood results was awesome. It was like, to me, and really thats what matters, that Jesus was like hey you like these numbers I am gonna throw them in there just to see you smile and make you feel better. For real :)

O and Tim and I have been watching the Bible on the history channel. Not on sundays, too many commercials so we watch it on mondays after it has been recorded. Jesus was in this one, and I came to a couple conclusions. My hormones make me cry about everything lol. But on a serious note, I cried and teared up every time Jesus talked. I just got overwhelmed and excited that one day these wont be stories others tell us, but one day Jesus can tell me about it. One day I'll actually hear his voice, and that thought alone brings me to my knees. Also, watching it and seeing Jesus go through so much, did bring Tim and I to our knees with tears and prayers, and it was really nice. Sweet. I love my Jesus.

And something totally different. I never thought of it this way. I always thought the people were just well dumb for not accepting Jesus for who He is, but after seeing it in the light of they  needed a king right then like David. They need someone to free them from the Romans, they needed liberated, and Jesus was talking about heaven and peace, not earth and fighting, that is why many were probably angry with him. I never thought of it that way. and I was dissappointed in myself for thinking so little of those who did not agree with Jesus being peaceful. I can't imagine what years of persecution do to a people.

Today I am thankful that even though I am not feeling well, I am hopeful that things are going well with this pregnancy, with this person I am growing :) I am also excited to keep living my life to be a better me for my son for my husband for this child, and for those around me :) I am excited to see where we are ten years from now, seeing how far Tim and I have come in 6 years :)

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