
Monday, March 11, 2013

lil blood work

I got some blood work on friday done. We were checking my progesterone levels. Dr said they are really good came back as 39. I go to the dr on thursday, so I'll have more to tell about then. :)

I am excited about this week, I have a nice blessed week layed out for me. I got good blood results today. Tomorrow I get to start teaching an art class once a week for a friend of mines children who are home schooled. I have class on wednesday night at church with the lil ones. Wednesday we are going to the zoo, me James Amanda Sami maybe brittany and some others. Thursday drs and friday spa night at my house!

So I am really excited about this week :)  I also had a really good time at church yesterday morning and evening. And God even told someone to tell me it was all going to be ok. I am so thankful for that! I can't wait to get back to church to talk to that person about it, because I just hugged them and left. I cried the whole way  home in the carr lol. It was really nice and what I needed.

Anyways short blog.

I am thankful today for the rain. We need it, and I am glad we are getting it!!What I love about today is, I am at home with James and I have the day to spend with him, and look foward to my evenings with Tim. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it really gives me something to live for. Something special, a family. That is what I love! I have something worth living for every day.

I hope you all have a great day! I'll post again on wednesday, and hopefully have some nice pics from the zoo!!!

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