
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Live Long and Prosper ;p

So after pouring my heart out all day and night yesterday. I feel better. I know that God is in control, and I have done all I can. I will keep praying and doing my best to be calm about it. After all the baby is growing and healthy, its just the damn hemorrhage, but God knows that.

I will keep praying morning night and day, and will be asking for peace with healing. I have announced on fb the situation and am hoping that some of my friends and prayer warriors will join me. I know that people don't like to air personal things on fb, but it can be used as a powerful tool for a prayer tree. Something I sure satan doesn't like, which just makes it all the more awesome.

So I will do a blood draw tomorrow, results on monday which I am expecting to be good :) And then on thursday the ultrasound to see the heart beat :) and then by God's mercy hope to see that hemorrhage smaller or gone completely. I'm rooting for gone completely, not just because I want it gone, but also because these things literally take weeks to shrink, and I just want to show that God rules over science and modern medicine. That'd be sweet. All to God's glory.

Today I am thankful for the many prayers coming our way. They are helping me stay strong and as calm as possible. I have something worth  living for, that's for sure from tim to james to this growing child inside me. Hope.

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