
Tuesday, March 26, 2013


 So, I really really need to jump on the budget and plan for a month meal plan deal. I need to come up with the reciepes to get us through the month content, and healthy. I need well rounded meals for James as well as for the growing baby in my belly. I need to feed technically four people on as lil momey as possible but healthy. I also need to seriously get a printer I do not have one, but I really need to do these meal plans. Tim will totally be on board with me, as he is with me doing arbonne and anything else I want to do. He is amazing. Truly.

Anyways any advice and help would be great, please comment. And when I get it together and get it working, I'll tell you how and so on. :) Hoping I can do this well, being as I am a stay at home mom I really feel like I should. Also, I would love to help someone else.

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