
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Prayer requests.

Ok Thursday update!!

I went to the dr today. According to them I am 4 weeks and 2 days. My ultrasound is going to be on thursday march 28th. I had to get blood work, and then I go saturday to the hospital to do the blood work. They checked my progesterone levels last week and it looked great, they are going to check my hcg levels from the two blood draws this week. Wont get results until monday.
So here's one of my two prayer requests. Please pray God willing that the progesterone is helping and that we will have a healthy baby come nov 18th.
So that's big news :)
My other prayer request unspoken but very important. I'm sure I'll write about it later when God has helped us through.
Anywho, today I am thankful for good doctors. I thought that medical attention was pretty much the same in all 50 states and I recently learned that it is not, and that illinois takes pretty good care of you. My life is always worth living for my husband and my son, and now our baby. This is my fifth time being pregnant! and we are thankful.

I know it's a short one today but it is a lot to digest lol. I hope you all have a great day!!!

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