
Monday, March 18, 2013

So far So good

Got my results this morning from the HCG draw. Was like 200 something on thursday, and 700 something on saturday. So more than doubling! and that is good :) Now I am just waiting to safely and patiently get to the ultrasound on the 28th. By then , assuming all goes well (in Jesus name!), we will be able to see a heart beat, and get an idea of where the placenta is attached high or low, James was low, it was nerve wracking, and we should be able to get a solid due date not just nov. I am holding out for Nov 19.
Jared, one of Tim's best friends, who was family to me, passed away in feb 2012. His birthday was nov 19. So it would really mean a lot to us.
Anyways, have a meeting about arbonne this wednesday.Hoping that if Tim seems ok with it, agrees that it is solid, that I can start selling it.
 Saturday is our we've been going out since march 23rd 2007 anniversary lol. I am excited it's been 6 years. I have no idea what we are doing. Hillary and Zach are gonna watch James, so we could go see a movie, or just stay home and relax and eat ice cream in bed, lol who knows!

So, today! I am thankful for the many years my husband and I have been able to grow. He is my best friend, and I do not think I could tell him enough how much I love and respect everything he has done for us. Today, lif is worth living for my family. For our future. For the many more years together I have with Tim and James and our lil bean. I am so thankful for them. So excited. Sometimes I do just wake up excited that God blessed me with such a wonderful best friend and such a fantastic lil boy, such a solid family :) That is worth more than all the money in the world. <3

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