
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Subchorionic Hemorrhage

So I went to get an ultrasound this morning. Had a lil bit of spotting this morning, which of course at this point any spotting is too much given my history. There was a sac, I am 5 weeks. No heart beat yet, but we were pretty sure we saw the baby. I still have an ultrasound next thursday. Next to the baby was a subchorionic hemorrhage. Basically if I am understanding right, it is a sac of blood from where the baby implanted. It does put me at a higher risk for miscarriage. But it is common, and should be absorbed into my body within a couple weeks.

Next thursday I should be able to see the baby and the heart beat for sure. They had me do an hcg draw today, and I will go back for another one on friday. So I will know monday for sure if my numbers are going up.

So basically there is a healthy baby. However there is this hemorhhage (sac) that is between the baby and me that needs to be asborbed. Apparently common, and only two outcomes. The hemorhhage goes away, or it detaches the baby from the uterus. So obvioulsy we are praying for and believing that this healthy lil baby will continue to grow strong, and God will take the hemorrhage away. I know that it is not medically possible for it to be completely gone by next thursday so I am at the least expecting it to shrink and at most trusting in God's power and wonder to speak life over me and this baby and tell the hemorrhage to leave. So I guess we will know for sure on next thursday.

Praying, like crazy. Trying not to stress because I know that makes it worse. Trusting God to keep his promise, of knowing our hearts, and doing what is best for us. It is hard, but I know God is in control.

Please keep praying for us, and if anyone has any experience with this please share. Thank you.

O so today, of course my life is worth living for my son and husband, and for this baby in me fighting to live. And I am thankful for good drs and being able to get right in today when I was freaking out.

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