
Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Word of Life

I have been thinking. Going through all of this, these struggles to have another child. The trust I am learning to replace the fear. Understanding that fear and being afraid are two different things. I can rebuke fear the spirit, and tell Jesus I trust you but I am still scared, please give me peace.

All of this going through my head, and I am realizing that, David really is my favorite person from the Bible aside from Jesus. His heart, he wore on his sleeve. Like me. He was open and honest, and was who he was to the core weakness and all. From his openess I feel like he obtained a special bond with God, not just seeking his face but his heart.

I like to write, I love love love to write poems and songs ect. And I never realized until now, that most of the time I write them are when I am in so much anguish within my heart, or over joyed within my hear. Psalms.

I think I write Psalms. Of course not Psalms to add to the Bible, there won't be adding the Bible. But I was thinking, since Jesus is alive, and He speaks and sings over us, and since His words are alive and always relevant, then it is possible to write Psalms. I guess I am saying we can write the songs the words the feelings in our hearts to God, as a personal Psalm. Our words, and his words in our spirits. Maybe David was really on to something. It isn't about them being published, read, printed, copied, bought and sold, but about the heart of the songs. The heart of you that is reaching out to the heart of God.

I can write as many Psalms as I possibly can to God, and I really like that. Not in a disrespectful way to the Bible and the many Psalms of King David and others. but just like, the word is still alive, Jesus is alive, and we His people are alive and so why would the words of our hearts stop? They wouldn't. Just like preachers keep preaching, singers keep singing to God, then so should hearts still pour out ot God in psalms.

That's kind of neat. It may not mean anything to anyone else, but I am glad God pointed this out to me.

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