
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Progesterone working Prayers working

I had an ultrasound today. The baby looked strong and healthy! Thank Jesus. The hemorrhage is still there, but is smaller. I have to wait on the dr to look over the pictures and give us measurments on shrinkage ect. The baby's heart beat was 162 and James was 164. Most people say a high heartbeat means girl, but in my case it means boy, if you can even go by that and I don't think that you can. lol.

Anyways due date is nov 20th. We are and, I swear I will get a pedicure if I make it this long, hoping for the 19th. Jared's birthday was on the 19th. It would be very special to us. Of course, november in general would be nice. This also means of course that wherever we are going for thanksgiving you can count us out for a)traveling more than 45 mins from home, and b) me cooking anything besides possibly a chocolate pie. And that is iffy, I might wait till christmas. I think we were expected to go out to st joe for thanksgiving by I am in no way at all taking that car ride. No way! I can't imagine doing that with a toddler and a baby while I am still recovering. Maybe they will be awesome and come out here? If not! kfc for thanksgiving it might be lol.

ANyways, today I also have to say was a bitter sweet day. I had an important ultrasound, I was very excited. The ultrasound tech well frankly was not nice. I am sad because I have never had a bad experience at my obgyn. I understand everyone has bad days, and I honestly think she was tired and ready to go home. I felt rushed, and like I didn't get the questions I had answered. I felt like she just didn't care. I was also very mad at her. I brought James obviously he is with me all the time and in the middle of the day it's not like tim could watch him. She told me to make sure for my next ultrasound I had a sitter because he was a distraction. LADY what the F you work at the baby drs! O man, it took everything I had in me not to blow up on this lady. For real. I am excited about the next ultrasound though and think it is actually my dr not a tech. It isn't until June 20th so I in no way want it to rush up on me. Because James will be 2 at that point. I want to cherish every day I have with him just me and him and when tim is home all of us. Beautiful family time together, memories I will have forever, and time well invested in bringing up an stable independant lil guy. Who is amazing. His own shy lil person :)

O and just cus it was amazing I have to say. Yesterday I was super sick with morning sickness but for most of the day, and James took care of me. Brought me cars and water, and fed me water with a straw out of my cup. What a big heart my lil man has. Compassionate and beautiful is his soul.

O and he got a hair cut today and didn't cry! I was so so so proud of him :) He is getting so big.

Today I am thankful that God is faithful. Taking care of us and providing for us, and taking care of the baby in my womb answering our hearts deepest needs. I have something to live for every day, with such a wonderful son and husband. And now the lil heartbeat that lives in me for the next few months :)

Hope you all are having a good day, and for the ladies out there taking progesterone it helps! If you have low progesterone and multiple mc it does help. It is helping me I haven't made it this far in a pregnancy since my son :) Hang in there.

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