
Monday, December 24, 2012


I know it is Christmas eve, and we should be super excited. But I am not. I am happy and thankful.that we have James even though he doesn't understand Christmas and really doesn't anticipate anything. Still so thankful each day i get to hold him and see how healthy he is. We had our third miscarriage this weekend. I can't explain the hurt the anger the sadness the frustration. We want James to have a sibling one of.close age. I love my brother and Tim loves his sisters but we both wish we would have been closer in age so we could have enjoyed.more of growing up together. 3 in a row all between 4-6 weeks. I am be happy because it is Christmas. I need to be happy to enjoy it for and with James. He is so wonderful such a blessing. Not like we didn't love and appreciate him before but after all this and him surviving a.miscarried twin, he really is a miracle. We love him and are praying and begging God we can find answers with the Dr Wednesday and a healthy pregnancy soon.

Hug your babies and tell them you love them. And thank God for them. They are not just a blessing but also a miracle.

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