
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Petals On My Heart

I think , and I have been thinking about it for a while, I am going to finish my books. Of course, that means starting with the first one and not skipping to my favorite parts in the second one lol. I think it is completely reasonable to allow myself this alone time, maybe once or twice a week for an hour or two. I mean who knows, I could get them done and published in a year or two. We need a new good fantasy series anyways. Merh, Gonna have to make sure I start writing properly, punctuation and all that fun stuff! Good thing I have Amanda to help me with it. Well wish me luck. Oh and obviously I am taking up blogging again. Life is short. There are many petals in my heart that have many words and emotionsthat need to be expressed to form the beautiful flower that is me. 
Thnking about it, I don't know what will happen next week or two years from now. But if I can have words down, dumb or important, but words that were mine, for James and Tim to hang onto if they needed it. That'd be nice right?  Life is short and stuff happens. In the end all we have are letters and pictures and memories. We have to take it upon ourselves to leave stuff for our loved ones to hold on to. I love writing in a journal, but it tends to be mostly pictures when I am done lol. So. There's that. The serious part of why I need to blog.
 The not serious part is, it is just nice to word vomit on something. Plain and simple.

Hug someone today and tell them you  love them.

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