
Thursday, December 27, 2012

waiting and more waiting

I hate waiting like this it is driving me nuts.
I am going to wait to start running when my levels are down, have to wait to next wednesday to get my draw and see where they are at. Jan 15thish I go to do more blood work to look at homrones clots and I am going to ask her to check my folic acid. After that, I will see what she says, but not matter what she says will give my body 3 to 4 cycles to get back on track.
It is all just lots and lots and lots of waiting, which  I hate more than anything. I usually don't have a problem being patient but the more miscarriages we have the more impatient I get. I told Tim I am def gonna start running again, painting, and writing. All of that should help me destress, which is important and might have been a factor. I also think one half glass of red wine once or twice a week may help to, before we start again. Blah. I am 24 and this is so frustrating. I have a beautiful healthy boy we'd love to give a sibling, and my body is not wanting to do the one thing it should naturally do because I am a female. Talk about degrading and failing. I hope that God will hear our prayers, and help us to stay calm and patient while we figure this out. and I really hope that God searches our hearts and sees we are staying faithful to him, and that we want to grow our family. Being a mom to James is so amazing, it's seriously wonderful. Don't stop there God, please.

So I guess all I can do for the next couple months is, try to relax, eat healthy, stay active. Play with James and give him way too many kisses. Drink lots of orange juice and try to forget about this. LOL way way way easier said than done right. For anyone out there readying this that has had multiple miscarriages in a row, stay tuned and hopefully at the end of this I will have hope for you. Keep praying and keep leaning on God. He knows what is best and will always do what is best. We will get through this together.

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