
Friday, December 28, 2012

One day I'll hold you

How can I say good bye,
If I never got to say hello?

How can I let you go,
If I never had a hold?

How can I watch you grow,
If you are in heaven watching me?

How can you know I love you,
When you don't even know me?

All daddy, James and I wanted,
Was to see your smiling face.

All daddy, James and I wanted,
Was to call you by name.

I suppose Jesus wanted it more,
Just like your brothers and sisters up there.

I hope you all will stick together,
Will love eachother and care for another.

I am sure heaven is wonderful.
I am sure it is grand.

I can't imagine what it must be like,
To actually hold Jesus' hand.

To see a place so bright,
And full of life and love.

I pray everynight,
All the time.

That you know how much we love you.
How much we wanted you.

You'll see up there you have at least 3 siblings,
One I imagine looks like James.

You'll see two others we know of,
Those we have already picked out their name.

We picked out yours as well.
As soon as we knew you were there in my tummy.

We love you all,
And miss you all more than you'll ever  know.

In heaven you don't feel sorrow or loss,
So how could you know?

I just pray God the Father,
Whom has adopted you,

Will tell you all of us.
Of Daddy, James and me.

Daddy is a wonderful man,
He works very hard for us.

He loves ferociously,
And he is so funny!

James is wonderful.
He is so full of love and life.

James loves to play with cars,
and loves to eat chocolate.

I am your mommy.
I like to play outside.

I love the smell of flowers,
and I love being a  mom.

I love being your daddy's wife,
and playing with James all day.

I hope that God will tell you all about us.

That you wont forget us,
and that you will one day love us.

Because babies,
All of you.

We think about you every day.

We love you more than life itself.

Maybe that's why God took you away?

I don't want to say Good bye.
I don't want to let you go.

So I guess we will just pray every day,
for Jesus to say hello.

Give Jesus a hug every day,
and think of us.

And look foward to the day,
whenever that may be.

That we will be there to hug you all,
and personally tell you we love you.

(dedicated to our babies in heaven Aiden Alexzander/Chloe Elizabeth, Jared Bradley/Hazel Marie, Liam Zachery/Lydia Ann, Auron Jerimiah/Ellie Rose)

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