
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hot chocolate and Snow!

Finally finally!! We got some snow. Not a lot. Enough that it stuck and there is a lil to play in :) Not sure if we are going to play in it today or not though. James played in it last night and he didn't know what to think It was alot of fun and he really enjoyed it :) He kept makign hand prints in it. It was adorable. All smiles and giggles.
Then last night I got to cuddle up with him and drink some hot chocolate. He watched Chugginton and I read a couple chapters in the Hobbit. It was really nice. Fridays are really great. Well they can be anyways, we had the miscarriage last friday and that was awful. But a normal typical friday, I spend my day with James. Tim works two jobs on friday *because he is an amazing hard workign man* and I usually do the dusting and vacuuming on fridays.
I am really glad to finally have the house back to normal. It is clean like it supposed to be. I had no motivation to do much of anything after we lost the baby. James and Tim helped so much though. James gave me a reason to get up, and Tim gave me hope. I know God will take care of it and James will have a sibling as soon as God lets us. Which is hopefully soon. I go to the dr on Jan 18th at 330. I will talk to her about what the next steps are and she will send out lab work on my blood to check hormones clotting and I am going to ask her to check my folic acid.
I am drinking alot or water, drinking orange juice, taking my prenatals and taking a B complex vitamin *which I forgot I was taking before I got pregnant with James* and it has folic acid in it. So maybe all of this will help. Plus I start running on monday, and I am going to find some good yoga on youtube and do that twice a week while running three times a week. In a couple weeks with working out and painting and such, I should be pretty relaxed and as destressed as I am going to get.
Praying that this helps. I don't want to let Tim down. He is so strong and so determined. He says as long as I am ok, emotionally and physically that we will keep trying. He is very determined. I know his heart is heavy, but it is what both of our hearts want. I am sure God knows this. We will just keep praying and keep trying. In matthew there is a verse I think it is something like chapter 7:7? could be wrong Ill check in a bit, but anyways it says "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks recieves; he who seeks finds; and to hime who knocks the door will be opened. Whic of you if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you then , though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him. So in everything do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."
I do not believe God is oblivious to our hearts desires. He has our children in heaven that He has adopted until we get there. He knows how much we want another baby, so James has someone to play with and we have another smiling face around here. Being a parent, there is no greater joy. I pray God will not deny us this. We are so very very very! blessed to have James. Going through all of th is, maybe we are to learn patients? and appreciate even more, our little James. I am not sure? But I will do my best to relax and place it God's hands. I know He knows this is hard on us. And I know that, if we keep praying, and asking we will recieve another healthy baby with no complications and a wonderful pregnancy. Then we always have to look foward to! Heaven, and our other babies up there! A large family. :)
So Tim is working hard, I am going to work hard on relaxing, exercising, singing with James because he stinking loves it, and reading my Bible and praying more. I am not sure what the dr will say, but I figure we have three months to work on this. I just have to keep asking God if that's ok and make sure it isnt too soon. OOO who would have guessed being a grown up was so heart wrenching and complicated. I never in a million years thought I'd be 24 praying to God for one more healthy baby and no more miscarriages. I guess life is funny like that. Wouldn't get through it with out God, Tim and James. that is for sure!

Tell your loved ones you love them. We aren't promised tomorrow. And for those of you who have snow! Enjoy it :)


  1. The Dr might want us to wait longer but it would be best health wise to let my body have a few cycles and rest i figure 3 months unless she says different we had 3 miscarriages i don't want to tear up my body or heart anymore than it has to
