
Thursday, December 27, 2012


Well, this holiday was odd. It was so exciting and so beautiful to share with James. I really enjoyed that. But we have lost many loved ones this year so it was hard, as well as we miscarried our third this year, the friday right before Christmas. So there's that. It's been rough.
I go to the dr on the 15th to start doing blood tests to check stuff like hormones, clotting, and folic acid. Praying it is something simple like hormones.
In the meantime, I really really really need to start finding ways to de stress. I am starting to write and work on my books again that will help. I am reading the hobbit again, that will help. Trying to pray and read my Bible more. That helps. Working on singing praise and worhsip more. That helps. I am also thinking. I need to be finding more crafty activities James and I can do at home. I love doing stuff with James so I know that will help. Going to start running again next week. I'll start getting up early and running while James is asleep before Tim leaves for work. And. I am thinking I should start painting and drawing again. And, maybe a half a cup of wine once a week? Red I suppose is best health wise?? Idk. But all of this, hopefully, will help lower my stress levels and make it easier on me in general and in terms of concieving later on in the year when the dr gives us the ok.
Yick. Something has to work right? I am excited to do crafts with James, running, and painting :) It'll be good for me. And if it is good for mommy it is good for the whole house.

Praying Jesus gets us through and will bless us soon.

Hug your babies and your loved ones today. In the end all that really matters is love. That's what life is, love and memories of love.

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