
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bye Bye Worry

It is so easy to sulk in pain and misery, in sadness and despair. It is easy to stay there, even when you know God is bigger than your problem. It is easy to stay there, even when you know that your problem isn't your's it's Gods.
I am really glad I went to church today. I really needed to hear it. I needed to be reminded that I can only do so much. I am only so tall. God though, he is bigger than any of the problems I will ever face in my life. God will see me through anything.
I was reminded that, I can ask, and keep asking, and I will recieve. I just need to focus on God and me. My relationship with Him, and the rest will work out on His time. I nee dto stop worrying about something God has already figured out for us. He knows how badly we want another baby. So I'll just keep asking and praying. I will work harder on my relationship with God. I will work harder on my serving. I will pray more and read my Bible more. I will work on me. I have a son, a gorgeous boy that deserves the best me I can give him. I can only do that through a better relationship with God. Through that better relationship, I'll be a better mom and a better wife to my wonderful husband. Eventually, when it is supposed to happen. We will have another person to add to our family :) But it has to start with a better relationship with God. Not that I have a bad one, but there is and always will be room for improvement.
I want to be a better me a better wife and mother. I am excited to start running tomorrow. To start really taking care of myself. I am going to run, make sure I am pumping myself with vitamins water and good food. Read, write, pray paint. I'll even enjoy wine in small amounts.  A happy and healthy mommy makes a happy healthy home right? I know I have a lot to work on :) but I am excited to do it. To be better for James, and for Tim. To get closer to God and be better for Him. Lots to do. and I am not even sure how much time to do it in. But God does, and we will work on figuring that time phrame out after I go to the drs in jan.

Have a good day and remeber how much God loves you. and how big He is.

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