
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Eye am learning what lil boys are made of

O boy! My boy is a boy is a boy. That is for sure. I am learning what it means to have a little boy. Obviously me being a little girl, I am not built that way brain and all. I had a little brother, but it is so different when it is your little boy making messes and talking and being well a boy.

He is so strong and healthy and I am so thankful. After all of these miscarriages, I an honestly say I appreciate James and his health so so so much more. He really is a miracle. Speaking of my strong little man, he broke my glasses last night. Awesome. That is not an expense I planned on paying for a little while. I wasn't going to get new glasses until after we had another baby, since your eyes change so much and stuff. James apparently decided, he either didnt like my glasses anymore, or wanted to chew on them more than he wanted me to wear them. So there's that.

Yikes, today has just been rough in general. I ran monday and monday was great, yesterday was rough and today so far hasn't been fun. But I know God is there, and I don't know the reasons for these seasons but at least He is there and understands it. It is hard to trust when it is so stressful, but we will make it through it. Honestly it's not like it hurts us to try to focus more on God, have better realtionships, and bring our stress levels down by exercising and doing things that are relaxing. So ya, we might as well. And God sees all of it and is taking care of us. I keep telling myself this. Sometimes its like your head gets it and your heart is crying. I know we will have good days and bad days, that's normal. But it will be wonderful when we get to a place wher eGod is helping us to have more good days than bad. This is not to say we are not thankful, even in our bad days we are thankful. We are not rich, but we are getting by and have what we need. God promised us provisions not riches here at least. I am rich with Tim and James anyways, and when we have another we will be all the more rich with family love and laughter. O an I started reading Exodus to James last night, reading about moses to him is pretty cool :) I know he doesnt understand it all, but it certainly will help me and Tim

We will get there. Slowly but surely, we will. And James. well he is just gonna keep on being him. a lil gorgeous stinker of a boy. healthy and causing trouble :)

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