
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

That's all she wrote.

So I went in today and got blood drawn. Lab nurse said the results will be in tomorrow. When I get results tomorrow I will also ask for the antibiotic the dr recommended that Tim and I both take, so we can start on those. Other than that, depending on what these two test the progesterone and the thyroid, what they say or don't say will be how we proceed. Either we proceed with the meds I'll need, or we say well I am ok and we proceed. So. That's all she wrote. We will just keep praying and thanking God for the child we have and the one we are hoping is in His will to bless us with.
Other than that! What's going on ?? Weather has been a bit nutty. And James really really likes strawberry banana smoothies, alot. I loved watching him take lil sips cus it was cold, but was so anxious to drink it :) O and I made a new red sauce for pasta. Got the recipe online and on tv from Helen Cavallo's that's fresh. It calls for wine, and let me just say, not cooking wine. It makes quite a difference. Packs a whole new kinda punch on it. I liked it alot. I am going to make turkey meatballs later this week, with spaghetti squash. That is gonna be yummy :)
Hope eveeryone is having a good day. And staying safe in this weather. Ours is calling for strong thunderstorms and tornados. So ya. Anywho, not much left that I can think to say...? O I ran on monday not today but will tomorrow :) Feels great to feel better and to be exercising !!!
O and James and I are going out to Colorado on feb 22-24 so that is really exciting!!! :) And Amanda is gonna bring her anatomy and microbiology books over so I can help her study soon, I am excited to learn some new stuff and help her.
Im done now lol promise.! lol

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