
Thursday, January 3, 2013

It is what it is

Well, I went and got new glasses last night. They wont be in until next week, so I am roughing it until then. Sucks, but I am just thanking God I was able to get new ones. I am so so thankful that Hillary was able to take me to get the eye exam and help me pick out my new frames. We even put some glasses on James who btw looked adorable. He wouldnt keep them on long enough for me to get a picture but he was stinking cute. Praying though, that he doesn't have to have them and will have wonderfully healthy eyes in Jesus name.

When I got home, James had spilled a lot of hot chocolate that wasnt hot. Cleaned that huge mess up, and it was funny because he was trying to play in it. So I ended up getting out some shaving cream and squirting it on the table for him. Let him play in it and it was awesome. We really had fun, and then took a shower and put our pjs on and watched jurassic park 2 with daddy. Lots of cuddles and loving, and he was even in bed  by 830. It was really nice.

Today he is at mama and papa lawhons, and I am cleaning, :) It sure is quite with out him here, but I am excited to get the tree taken down, made some laundry detergent, and will dust and vacuum. More importantly it is quite and I can have some quite time with God. I can exiecise on with youtube, take a shower by myself, and pray the whole time out loud if I want to. I am thankful for this. I llove love love my lil guy, but it is also nice to have some quite time.

O and I called and got my blood results from yesterday, I am back to negative hcg. My levels went up higher this last pregnancy and also dropped alot faster. I think that is a good thing. So now, I guess I just focus on reading praying running and relaxing. Until my drs apt. Then I guess we do tests and go from there. Def has been a stressful start to a new year, but I am believing and recieving a wonderful year for Tim James and I. (and the one we are praying God wills us to add to the family) I'd totally be fine with a christmas baby. So thankful for my lil james :) It will make me so happy when we are able to grow our family. It is a funny thing, all of it, being so happy as we are, and knowing we will be even more happy with another one. But I am so happy and thankful for James, I kinda wonder how my heart will hold all the love and happiness of another one? Guess it just has to grow???? Not sure, guess we will figure it out lol.

Welp, I am gonna post some pics of James playing in shaving cream then get my butt up and finish cleaning :) I keep telling myself I cant exercise until I finish cleaning, and I really want to, Hope everyone has a good day. Hug your loved ones and hold your babies close today. Tell them you love them.

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