
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lots of news this year

      I am excited to say that, after talking to tim, he is fine with us starting to switch things out for organic. I am excited that I found a farmers market close to home, and for what I can not find there I can go to dierbergs when we can afford to. I am excited to continue gathering new recipes healthier recipes and more do it your self snack stuff. I am very excited that, after watching James only want to eat what Tim eats at dinner, Tim is fine with me sending his lunches for work, as well as slowing down on soda, and eating better. I love that on Disney Jr. I can get ideas from Helen Cavallo on thats fresh. I am seriously very excited about this. And I am excited that I have a couple friends doing the same thing, organics. Not because it is cool because it is better and healthy.
   It completely enrages me that healthier better food costs more than the over processed chemical crap the country lables as food. That is criminal. I feel like it should be the other way around. We have because of that, already before James even started on milk, switched to the non antibiotic non hormonal, I am assuming organic milk from farm fresh. We even get the glass containers to recycle :) I am currently on the hunt for some wooden barrels and boxes. I can not do a big garden in the back yard like my papa used to, one I do not know how to, and two, I have to dogs and a boy so far. Need that back  yard for making messes and running. Anyways I have a nice flower bed on the side of the house, and if I get ahold of some barrels and boxes I can arrange them in the front yard. If the weather can be not so awful horrible hot, I am hoping to grow tomoatoes, and some herbs, and some zuccini. I am really excited :))
    And I am super excited how much more active Tim has been with James. Not that Tim wasnt he has always been and always will be a wonderful dad, but James is getting to that age where they can really start to bond. It is so cute. And Tim is on board with starting potty training back up. James was doing ok, but started getting bored with it. It was around the holidays he started getting bored, so I was at the time busy and pregnant then we lost that baby and so it has been a bit overwhelming. We are ready to give it a go again :) James has been taking his diaper off again, watching us potty, and tonight he brought me his big boy undies and wanted to wear them. He of course had an accident, but he liked wearing them. After he is out of diapers from this last box, it is on to only pull ups. I think that will help alot. I feel like if he wear a diaper, he will want to potty in it so we need to change things up. Also going to make a potty chart. And just stay committed to it.
  I have been praying more, I need to be reading my Bible more. I love this devotional :) and I really got to get back on track with working out once I feel better. Still feeling coldish sick, but hoping to be better soon and back on track. I love having a schedule and things to schedule. I am such a nerd lol
  O also we found out that the clotting tests are like 400 out of pocket. So I am sure we are not going to do them. It is in God's hands. we will get the thyroid and pregesterone test done, otherwise it is just trying and trying and hoping and praying and believing God will take care of it.

O and if anyone has some wonderful yummy snack recipes or just recipes please leave them in the comment. I am trying to accumulate recipes :) gotta get working on the new meal plans, and get this family on a healthier track. We are doing it for all of us but mostly for James, good habbits now will help him later. I love him and want the best for him. So thankful Jesus gave us this beautiful boy that is ours, but really His.

Have a great day everyone. Hug someone, and smile alot today ::)

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