
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

sea lions and tigers

Yesterday I was way way way past due on an oil change. I went and got one, and was frustrated at how steep the price was compared to normal. They stopped giving out coupons for 20 dollar oil changes at valvoline. Anywho, was sitting there waiting on that and it was so nice out, James took his nap in the car, and I all of a sudden was like its 50 something degrees out and gorgeous lets go to the zoo! So we got to the zoo at 2 and it was wonderful. We don't go alot because it is a bit of gas, but the zoo is free and it is only 20 minutes from home. I needed a mommy and James date. It was great! I have never been able to park that close to the entrance before, and it was so not crowded I put James mittens on him and took him out of the stroller. He walked with me and loved it. He got to run around and point and the animals and giggle, and pretty much do whatever he wanted. He loved the zebras and the tiger. We went through the penguins thing, and we got to go to the sealion sound under water tunnel. It was amazing. It was a great day with him and I really needed it. I think he really loved it, he kept saying mom and giving me hugs.
Had to take him to the dr today for his eczema, it has gotten worse. The dr said it would in the winter. We have been doing over the counter eucerin and cetaphil restoraderm, and she gave us some perscriptions to try this time. We have a small kinda vasoline like steroid cream for the really red spots when he gets them, and then she said to keep using the other lotions and put the ammonium lactate lotion in rotation with those. Praying this helps him. I hate seeing him try to itch and being uncomfortable. It breaks my heart.
Thankful we could go to the dr and that his dr always gets us in. So thankful for her. His next appointment isnt until his 2 year check up which is nuts. I have to start keeping a journal of the words he says to make sure he is making the right ammount of progress speaking. She said he seems fine and it isn't a problem that girls seem to talk faster and more, because James is way more concerned with what the drawers are full of and why the tv buttons work when it is plugged in lol. He is doing great. I hope he starts talking more though, he jabbers all the time and is really saying something, I just dont know what.
Anywho got up and ran today :) I love getting up early and having the whole day to do stuff. I have some picking up to do around the house and need to read my Bible. I have class tonight and have no idea what I am going to do for the craft. yikes.

hope you all have a good day. enjoy your not dry itchy skin and be thankful! we don't think about this kind of stuff unless it directly effects us.

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