
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ammonium Lactate

So I took James to the dr last week, and we got a prescription lotion called Ammonium Lactate as well as a cream like vasoline that has 2 percent steroid in it kind of like cortizone, and it has helped so so so so so so so so much! My baby boy isn't itching, his skin is not flaking and cracking, and he is feeling great and looking like his normal self :) I am so happy for my baby boy. We will keep doing to eucerin and the cetaphil with the steriod only on his face and really red areas when needed, and ammonium lactate once or twice a day as needed. I am really happy. I don't like seeing him itchy and miserable. So thankful for a friend who recommended seeing the dr to get the lotion.

And on that note I go to the dr on friday. I met a girl at a baby shower this weekend that is having to take blood thinner in the form of shots and she said it isnt that bad. She said she bruises, but if she gets a cut is fine and doesn't have to rush to the er. It makes me feel better about it, because it probably is clotting issues. I mean it could be anything, but I hear it is not notmal to clot really bad during labor like I did with James. Also, the girl I met is having twins. So now, I am wondering since I know that we had twins and twins run on my moms side (which is the genetic side of twins if that were to be the case other than chance) all that hyperovulation and such, any who, makes me wonder if by taking the blood thinner if that dr gives that to me does that mean we will have twins!? Crazy stuff. I am just praying we find out answers. And I feel alot better about it. I have been praying about it and just trying to be as relaxed as I can. Meeting someone taking blood thinner shots really helped a lot. Anyways, I guess what I mean is the dr is saying she for sure is checking for clotting. When I talk to the nurses about blood work and if I am doing more tests they say they are not sure other than checking for clotting. I imagine the dr has a reason for wanting to start there. But I think I am still going to ask her to check my folic acid and b12 absorption. This is all so crazy and confusing. I have looked online at medical journals and have been trying to learn about clotting, hyperovulation, progesterone, and things like that. I have been talking to people trying to get as much information as I can. It is hard knowing what I need to ask when I go to talk to the dr and start tests, because I know that asking the right questions is very important. and so is praying about it! I've been praying a lot. Praying for answers, praying for health, and praying we get pregnant on God's time. It is all so overhwelming, Tim seems to be holding it together a lot better than me. I think I just have anxiety over it all but meh o wells. It's all just being patient and taking it one step at a time from here.

Anyways, I hope everyone is having a good day. It is pretty cold here now finally, it makes me nervous when it doesn't feel like winter during winter lol. Not to say I didn't take advantage of it. Spending the day at the zoo with James was amazing. O and my new glasses finally came in :) I am still trying to get used to them, they fit different than my other ones. Gonna go play with the kiddos, have the girls today, and when they nap finish the dishes and the bathroom :) Having a clean house is impossible with lil ones, but I think I'd go nuts if I didnt at least stay on top of it the best I can. I really am getting ocd about cleaning and picking stuff up. Blah, and we've all had a cold so I havent been out running. Hoping I can tomorrow or at latest thursday. I miss getting up that early and getting my whole day worth of stuff to do. OOO and James slept in his bed last night. Been trying really hard to get him to sleep in his own bed, but he loves sleeping with Tim, and Tim and I don't mind him sleeping with us. But I know he needs to be in his bed, and when we do get pregnant hopefully later this year, he really will need to be in his own bed.

Love you guys,
thanks for letting me get all the boring venting and info out.
Hope to have good news and answers soon :)

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