
Friday, January 4, 2013

Slugs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

What are little boys made of? Well my little boy is made of lots of energy and love and hugs and giggles. Lots of grins and shaking his no and running away before he gets caught. Lots of knocking things over, breaking things, and laughing when he farts. He is made of, throwing water out of the bath tub to watch my facial expression, sitting next to you giggling while he poops in his diaper, spilling his milk just because he can, sharing his food with the dogs when he is not hungry. He loves to stick his fingers in peppers nose until she licks him, chases the cats until they cry, pulls jaspers ears just to hear him squeal. That's what my little boy is made of.
He is sweet and funny, nice and caring. He loves to give hugs and he is learning to give kisses. He loves to sing and dance. He needs cuddles in the morning, and tickles before bed. He loves to read and play and do all kinds of things. I can't imagine what all he is made of. He doesn't something new every day. But I like to think that when he is older, he will be made of honor virtue and God. Full of kindess and strength, love and humor. Full of life, with a big heart to boot. I hope that's what my little man will be made of.
Of course, we will have to fill him with these things. Lift him up, and teach him to lean on God. I just pray we do it as best we can, because he deserves only the best.Ands when he has a sibling here, I pray sooner rather than later, that he will be a wonderful example :) I know we aren't supposed to  be proud, but I can't help but be proud of him, even though he is so young. He is a wonderful person, and I can't wait to see who he grows up to be. He is a beautiful soul, and I am so thankful that he is ours. I love every little thing about him, stinker and all.

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